Friday, October 23, 2009

Because I want to

There's actually a pretty long list of things that I don't like but wish I did: ketchup, pickles, most cheeses, salad dressing, cottage cheese... and coffee tops the list, so I'm working on it! Most people try to ween themselves off of coffee, but I'm going at it full speed - why? There's so much you can do when you drink coffee!

Coffee dates. Whether it's a romantic interest or just to catch up with a friend, going for coffee's a classic activity (especially when you can't go out for drinks)... but it's kind of strange to suggest going to coffee and then, well, not getting coffee. It just doesn't fit.

Coffee shops. They're everywhere and they're adorable. I love trying new ones and I dream of being a regular at the cute coffee shop right around the corner from my future apartment.

Coffee ice cream. ... Is amazing. Even though I don't like coffee. Yet.

Caffeine. Yea, I know it's supposed to be bad for you (granted, I'm done growing, so is it really a problem that caffeine stunts your growth?), but it's just so helpful! Especially as a college student. Plus, I recently heard of a study saying that caffeine helps prevent Alzheimer's, so sign me up!

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